Baptism is a public declaration that you have decided to start following Jesus.

We run regular baptism services throughout the year which are joyful celebrations. We would love to cheer you on taking your first step in the faith.

If you have questions about baptism, or you would like to sign up to be baptised, please get in touch using the button. We’ve also put a few commonly asked questions below.


If you have any other questions, please get in touch and we’d love to help.

  • Baptism is a public declaration that someone has decided to start following Jesus. It’s an outward display of an inner change. It’s important to know that baptism alone doesn’t make a person right with God. We are saved by God’s grace as we trust in Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:24). Baptism is a symbol and celebration of that faith.

  • Jesus calls every Christian to be baptised (Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus went public about his love for us, and we are called to go public about our love for him. It’s one way we show that we’re not ashamed of the gospel (Romans 1:16, Luke 9:26).

  • Baptism is the next step for anyone who has decided to start following Jesus. If you’ve heard the good news, repented (turned away) from your old life without God, and trusted in Jesus, then you’re ready to be baptised (Acts 8:12).

  • All our baptism services are especially guest-friendly as we know you might want to invite friends and family along. Alongside the baptisms themselves, we often hear brief stories from those being baptised (read by them or a pastor), sing favourite songs, and have a short message that explains baptism and the good news.

    We’ll have multiple people being baptised on the day so you won’t be alone. We always have two people in the water with the person being baptised (a pastor and a friend), and have towels and dry clothes ready. Our baptism services are a celebration and we’ll cheer you on when you take your first step in the faith.

  • As parents, we can help point our children to Jesus, but they are the ones to decide if they will commit their lives to Him (Romans 10:9). Every baptism in the Bible follows a person’s own decision to trust in Jesus for their salvation and commit to follow him (Acts 10:47-48). At Danbury Mission Church, our practice is to wait until people are old enough to express their own faith and understand the significance of baptism.